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Monday, March 16, 2009

Strengthening your Trading Mindset

When you think about mindset, what do you think of first? Which aspects of mindset are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

To be able to succeed at trading, you must be fully aware of how to strengthen your trading mindset.

Trying your luck at trading is as good as trying your luck at a card game table in a casino, you take a gamble by placing your bet on what you consider your aces, try to establish a fallback position by managing your risks and how to play with your cards to make the most out of every possible gambling situation you are in, whether you win or lose.

Here are some common tips on how to strengthen your trading mindset.

1. Always take full responsibility for your trading decisions.

As a rule of thumb, most investors simply follow the crowd, but successful traders make up their own minds.

Although you should always be open to good advice from other experts, but the final and ultimate decision rests upon you and not with anybody else.

You can always try to focus on the opportunity to learn since there's plenty of it, but don’t let it cloud your perspective or determine the choices you make.

2. Avoid the pitfalls of over-trading.

There are basically two types of over-trading - trading too often and trading too many shares.

If you are trading too often, remind yourself that there's really no good reason to trade constantly, since extreme over-trading creates stress, produces high commissions but sometimes often leads to losses.

This is so because market forces do not last forever and time has shown various examples of the law of gravity in the trading market- that whatever comes up must go down.

Instead of grabbing every stock that comes along, make sure each trade setup meets the criteria of your trading plan, don’t be too over cocky or too selfish.

So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about mindset. You may decide that the following information is even more interesting.

To prevent trading too many shares, use a risk calculator to determine the appropriate position size before you click the enter button. It relieves stress to know that the amount at risk for each position you hold is safely proportioned to the size of your entire account, this is asset management at work.

3. Always go easy on yourself.

There's a tendency for traders who take responsibilty for their actions to be tough on themselves.

After all, this gives credence to the saying that ‘do not cry over spilled milk.’

This could be a good opportunity for some positive self-criticism, but don't slam yourself too hard or too often, since even the best traders make mistakes.

When you do, learn from them quickly and then let it go.

Avoid yelling at yourself, as self inflicted psychological damage is tough to overcome, so it's best to avoid it entirely.

4. Always think like a winner.

Thinking like a winner turns you into a winner, since the sum of your thoughts has an interesting way of showing up in your life.

Thoughts are like muscles, the ones you use the most will grow to become the strongest. Work on the thoughts you want to develop and focus on them regularly, since it has the tendency to become action, action become habits, and habits determine results.

Always think of success and you are much more to be on your way to success.

5. Take every effort to relax.

Even though trading is serious business, the best traders know how to laugh - especially at themselves.

Having fun and enjoying at what you do is a very good motivator to give you focus on making money and earning it on trading.

So know how to strengthen your trading mindset and be on your way to success.

So now you know a little bit about mindset. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile : you've expanded your knowledge.


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