In every crisis there is very interesting events, opening the gap of social status. I really mean, the rich and poor, and I do not mention the middle class; I place them in the metho
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dology in the same bag as the poor. The poor are poorer and the rich are richer. But being rich is not about money, it is a matter of attitude.The economic crisis we are experiencing stronger than ever these days not only affect our economy, but as always happens when the world is mobilized by an important fact, also our mental health at risk. Stress, depression, among other mental disorders is leading to the economic crisis raging for months to markets, and that affects our decisions every day. Therefore, we must understand that our emotions precede our attitudes, changing our thinking is a key fundamental.
You may think that a lot of rich attitude you may have is not enough, if you don’t have capital you’re out; you will not cross the line of a poor with aspirations. Investing in Forex is a real and effective solution. Doesn’t produce great opportunities the crisis in Forex? Perhaps this is one of its greatest attractions.
We are in crisis and this is no longer questioned anymore. Now we wonder what kind of crisis we are suffering. There is talk of a global crisis, or more chain-crisis, value crisis, environmental crisis, financial crisis, a crisis of production, economic crisis, real estate crisis, etc.
Most of us were resigned and think that the cycle of crisis will be about for two years as the experts say. Others look for opportunities. Every crisis creates an enormous opportunity for anyone who is willing to take the risk. We can stay looking as prices go up and how that affects our accounts or we can risk and pursue new business and investment by taking advantage of the bear market. This is what forex is creating, opportunities.
Does The Current Crisis Affect the Forex Market?
Yes, the fall of the stock market and the global financial crisis, affects forex as well. However, as speculation on world currencies we do in forex, there will always be currencies that are better than others. So, we trade the strongest by buying and sell the weakest.
Forex Market requires A LOT of education, and these are the 2 reasons why 90% of Forex traders fail :
1. They will have their money managed by someone else and not take responsibility for the results.
2. They will not get a complete education of what is facts vs myths on Forex Market and will do ALL the wrong things that will only accelerate their failure.
So beat these 2 points and you are on your way to riches.
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